

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Julia Perez - Kamasutra

Below is the complete track list for Kamasutra full album by Julia Perez. This album is released in 2008. Simply click on the song title to download the MP3 files (it will open in new window). Some songs come with lyric and/or ringtone -- just click on the lyric and/or ringtone link on the right (if available) to view it. Please also note that some songs might be tagged for promotion purpose, as well as to encourage you to buy the original CD / casette :) Enjoy!
  1. Julia Perez - Goyang Kamasutra
  2. Julia Perez - Belah Duren
  3. Julia Perez - Please Call Me
  4. Julia Perez - Selamat Ulang Tahun
  5. Julia Perez - Ikrar
  6. Julia Perez - Mau Dong Ah...
  7. Julia Perez - Ketagihan
  8. Julia Perez - Satu Cinta

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